I've been meaning to do this for a while. I always like seeing other artists' spaces and was finally inspired to pick up the camera after seeing my buddy
Evan Shaner's awesome space. I lost my studio to my son, so now I have a piece of wall in the living room between the doors.
Up top I've got three framed pieces of art - a Grifter sketch by Jim Lee, a Phantom piece by Evan Shaner, and a Hellboy by Mike Mignola. There's also a couple of sketches by Dan Schkade. There's a bunch of action figures and some books, and a couple of pics of my wife from our honeymoon. My most commonly used art supplies are on the lower shelf. Under that is a print of Dan McDaid's back cover for Mysterious Adventure Magazine Spring 2009. There's a bunch of original art, a sketchbook and a box of supplies under that fedora. The drawers are filled with paper and more artwork. Somewhere in there is a CD player with a bunch of old time radio show CD's. And it seems I've finally gotten photographic evidence of that little pen gnome that raids my art bag.